Hope is like a piece of string when youre drowning. It just isnt enough to get you out by itself.
Perrin Aybara, The Eye of the World
+__________________________________________________________+ Gate 2 (-!SUM-) "The Plains of the Labyrinth(Cont)" #-------% Getting inside the City %-------# From your starting position make sure you have !SUM eq equipped and head south till you pass by "city gates" then go 3e4s to start following path... and run like heck to the end of it till you find a wolfen chewing up a corpse. Loot it for a key (race back to the beginning to avoid any unwanted attention) then to get out of this place, reverse your steps back to the begging, and type ent 1. Head north and ring around the city wall to the left and north to find that same gate you passed by earlier. After entering the city quickly lock the door behind you to keep others mobs from wandering in and out. #-------% Passing the Rune'd Door %-------# Go 2es and get a key from the wooden chest. Then go back to the city gates again and go 5e, open door south and unlock door w. Get a vial from the shelf. Now go back to the city gates and go 3se and put the vial in the rubble. Quickly move 1w to avoid getting hurt by the explosion. Go all east and type get all book. You will teleport to a hidden bookcase under the one you were just at. Get a book from the hidden bookcase, and then get the key from that book. Now you will want to kill the 4 Patron Guards in their respective corners of the City, residing in !MAG/tunnel rooms. *** Green - Chill touch (South West Tower) Blue - Silence (North East Tower) Red - Blind (South East Tower) Yellow/Black - Call Lightning (North West Tower) Now past the runed door unlock the trap door and prepare for the second hardest hitting lab mob in the game. ****Damage per hit is around 90-110 and when you flee, Sauv has 2 different flee progs. Your body and mind are seared with white hot flames" eats a lot of mana, 'A brilliant light white surrounds you, filling you with pain' eats hps. #-------% Slaying the Prisoner %-------# Past Suav is a pathway leading to a cell housing the Prisoner. Use his key to free him and then fight. He will not leave the confines of the tunnels adjacent to his cell. His Backstabs can proc more then once and he will teleport to you if you flee more then 1 room at a time. Loot a seal from his corpse afterwards. %-------# Exiting the Gate #-------% Now make your way back to the outside of the city, past the gates, and go 4s and look for the ^^ symbols again. Enter this familiar area and make your way to the stone door again, and type "put seal ind" to open the door and enter the Exit of the gate here.