Hope is like a piece of string when youre drowning. It just isnt enough to get you out by itself.
Perrin Aybara, The Eye of the World
+________________________________________________________+ "Gate 3 (-PFC-) "Ice Kingdom of the Labyrinth" #-------% Into the Blizzard %-------# Follow the curvy path till you hit a dead end. Say moon and your surroundings will change. At the end of this straightforward path say fire. Once more at the next dead end say shadow. Now you are a few rooms below the Blizzard Maze. A Raven stalks the rooms between you and the point of no return, so make it a priority to kill the Raven before you go all up as otherwise he will eventually wander into the blizzard and aggro. From the down spot into the blizzard itself, drop a gold coin if one is not already there now. This will be your starting marker when you get lost in the maze. From here go ewes to find a frozen corpse - loot a key and note. #-------% Killing Big Wyrm %-------# Starting at the marker it is time to flush out a few mobs within the maze towards the castle entrance. Advancing will spawn wyrms that can scan hunt you after aggro: @ 3w2nwe2sesnee @ - Castle entrance dirs. Once all 3 are dead, it's time to find Big Wyrm. He hides under the snow in hidden snow drifts that constantly shift in 4 different room locations when Xazid moves under the map. 1. @ ewewew @ 2. @ ewewess @ 3. @ ewewesse @ 4. @ ewewessee @ Each set of dirs from marker is where a snow drift can pop up in, as it will never be visible in look. Typing ent snow after each speedwalk dir without entering anything means it's in one of the other 3 spots. ****Desecrate/Dispel Magic/Silence spells, Compel on flee, can stack compel up to 3x, very nasty physical damage and likes to move around a lot. His key will unlock the castle entrance. %-------# Breaking the Order of the Tytans #-------% (--TYTAN KILL ORDER NE - E - S - SW - N - W - SE - NW--) Inside you will notice Sartan Warriors (which can DES) roaming the castle perimeter, just past the first tytan you see. Surrounding the perimeter of the tower is a set of 8 sentinel creatures, killing them in a specific order gleamed from the note on the frozen corpse: (%)SPECIFIC CARDINAL DIRECTIONS ORDER(%) NE - E - S - SW - N - W - SE - NW ****They have a unique Compel that sometimes will not aggro after activation, but will often Dispel or Still you. Will open the second door to the courtyard below the tower. If you mess up the tytan order at some point, use the switch in front of the door to reset(Respawn) the tytans. Inside the courtyard and up the tower is all !mag so keep this in mind when going in. %-------# Dealing with Maunish the Sarten Gate Master #-------% Use the key from the corpse to unlock the 3rd door here to access the tower in the courtyard. All the way up in Maunish. ****!mag makes this fight drag on more, but otherwise he is somewhat tanky with a prog that will eat a decent chunk of health every so often. Getting him past 70% triggers Dragonform and fully restores all health. He can now cast Frost Dragon racial spells and will Teleport/Hunt -- keep him from leaving the courtyard/tower area if you want to nullify the spells. On his corpse should be a Soulstone.