Approximate value 20261 coins. Reset time: 85 mins
Zone 130: High Tower of Sorcery
Approximate value 35640 coins. Reset time: 40 mins
Zone 291: The Lost Town of Leuvenheim
4s2w2s; give 50 coins thaelix; n3e3n2wn5wnesene3nwnw2nwn3wn2wswnw2n2w8n; phase door north; 5ndw5n2w
Approximate value 25421 coins. Reset time: 100 mins
Zone 178: The Dreadlord's Keep
9n3en2eu4es2enes4e2ne2n3ese3nwwnene9n; open door; n; open door; n; open door; n; open door; n; enter pool; n2enwn3e2nwswnwswn2swswsw3nwn2ese2nen
Approximate value 43913 coins. Reset time: 55 mins
Zone 350: The City of Tear
6w10n2e6n; say tear
Per Yik: "the main strip bait everyone goes for is in stay..
killing all the solders in the Alessa Stay part of the zone..
they are weak mobs and load strip gear with the keyword plain..
all the gear is 5hp 5mvs so you might want to ID if you get a buff tweak also" EXCELLENT! No wonder the yikshakes bring all the folks to the yard! =p